PC Guia 10.iso
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443 lines
on GoPictArticle
global gChapters, gTitles, gArticles, gDates, gCaptions, gCurCutting
global gCurChap, gCurArticle, gName, mytext, gArticlePage, gFullCuttings
global gFormattedText, gTextPages, gMaxLines, gCurIndex, gWorld, gSeenMaps
global gPaperLoch, gMakerName, gHeadlocH, gNameLoch, gNameLocv
global gMakerNum, gQTpath, gSoundPath, gNuggetTime, gNuggetDelay, gNameCastnum
global gCurPic
set picsprite = 9 -- the sprite the pict appears on
set cuttingsprite = 6
set titlesprite = 8
set papersprite = 11
set datesprite = 12
set captionsprite = 7
set forwardbutton = 20
set backbutton = 19
set headsprite = 10
set namesprite = 4
set headloch = gHeadloch -- the loch of the headshot sprite
set the loch of sprite headsprite = headloch
puppetsprite forwardbutton,0
puppetsprite backbutton,0
puppetsprite papersprite,0
set oldframelabel = the framelabel
set the text of field "caption-pic" = " "
set the text of field "caption-pic2" = " "
if not (the framelabel contains "pic") then
unpuppet "4,10"
puppetsprite captionsprite,0 -- unpuppet the pict caption
end if
-- get the castnumber of the picture
set piccastname = (gMakerNum & "-" & gCurChap & "." & gCurArticle)
set piccast = the number of cast piccastname
put (gMakerNum & "-" & gCurChap & "." & gCurArticle)
if value(gMakerNum) = 119 then -- special case for Matisse
set PictFrame = "pict.MAT"
set PictFrame2 = "pict2.MAT"
set PictFrame = "pict"
set PictFrame2 = "pict2"
end if
if piccastname = "96-3.6" then
-- this is a special case for Jung
go to frame "pict2"
else if (gWorld = "design" or gWorld = "senses" or gWorld = "mind") and piccast > 0 then
if the width of cast piccast >= the height of cast piccast then
go to frame PictFrame2
go to frame PictFrame
end if
go to frame PictFrame
end if
set gCurPic = piccast -- remember the pict to unload later on
if gWorld = "Senses" or gWorld = "Design" then
set the loch of sprite namesprite = gNameLoch
set the locv of sprite namesprite = gNameLocv
end if
-- move caption and pict offscreen
puppetsprite captionsprite,1
set captionloch = the loch of sprite captionsprite
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = 1000
puppetsprite picsprite,1
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 1000
if (gWorld = "senses" or gWorld = "Design") and (the framelabel = PictFrame2) then
set the castnum of sprite captionsprite = the number of cast "caption-pic2"
set the castnum of sprite captionsprite = the number of cast "caption-pic"
end if
set tmpcap = GetCaption()
if (gWorld = "senses" or gWorld = "design") and the framelabel = PictFrame2 then
set the text of field "caption-pic2" = tmpcap
set the textheight of field "caption-pic2" = 18
set the text of field "caption-pic" = tmpcap
end if
set the textheight of field "caption-pic" = 18 -- leading
if gWorld = "Senses" then
set the textheight of field "caption-pic2" = 25
end if
set the text of field "cutting" = " "
set the text of field "title" = " "
-- adjust the height of the Pict caption, to center it
if gWorld = "Power" then
set centerpoint = 265
else if gWorld = "senses" then
set centerpoint = 275
else if gWorld = "discover" then
set centerpoint = 250
set centerpoint = 300
end if
if gWorld <> "Senses" and gWorld <> "Body" then
set caph = the height of cast "caption-pic"
if gWorld = "Design" then
if the framelabel = "pict2" then
set caph = the height of cast "caption-pic2"
set the locv of sprite captionsprite = centerpoint - (caph/2)
end if
set the locv of sprite captionsprite = centerpoint - (caph/2)
end if
else if gWorld = "Body" then
set the locv of sprite captionsprite = 112
end if
-- if it exists then put it on the screen, getting rid of the cutting box
if piccast > 0 then
set the stretch of sprite picsprite = 0
set the castnum of sprite picsprite = piccast
set w = 1.0 * (the width of cast piccast) / 2
set h = 1.0 * (the height of cast piccast) / 2
if gWorld = "design" then
if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
-- wide picts 256,146
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 98 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 131 + h
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = 493
-- tall pics 256,72
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 275 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 480-h
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = 138
end if
else if gWorld = "power" then
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = captionloch
if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
-- wide picts 256,146
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 640 - w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 146 + h
-- tall pics 256,72
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 256 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 72 + h
end if
else if gWorld = "discover" then
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = captionloch
if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
-- wide picts 256,146
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 250 + w
-- set the locv of sprite picsprite = 146 + h
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 421 - h
-- tall pics 256,72
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 250 + w
-- set the locv of sprite picsprite = 72 + h
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 421 - h
end if
else if gWorld = "senses" then
if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
-- wide picts 191,56
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 191 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 46 + h
-- tall pics 191,56
set caph = the height of cast "caption-pic"
set the locv of sprite captionsprite = centerpoint - (caph/2)
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 191 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 45 + h
end if
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = captionloch
else if gWorld = "mind" then
if piccastname = "96-3.6" then
-- special case for Jung
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 457
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 284
else if piccastname = "96-3.6b" then
-- another special case for Jung
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 451
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 282
else if (the width of cast piccast) > (the height of cast piccast) or ¼
(the width of cast piccast) = (the height of cast piccast) then
-- wide picts 191,56
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 256 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 96 + h
-- tall pics 191,56
set caph = the height of cast "caption-pic"
set the locv of sprite captionsprite = centerpoint - (caph/2)
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 348 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 96 + h
end if
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = captionloch
else if gWorld = "body" then
if the width of cast piccast > the height of cast piccast then
-- wide picts 191,56
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 298 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 68 + h
-- tall pics 191,56
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 296 + w
set the locv of sprite picsprite = 68 + h
end if
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = captionloch
end if
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = captionloch
end if
if piccastname = "136-2.2" then
go to frame "136-2.2"
set the visible of sprite 20 = 1
else if piccastname = "136-2.3" then
go to frame "136-2.3"
set the visible of sprite 20 = 1
else if piccastname = "96-3.6" then
go to frame "jung"
end if
on GoSoundArticle
global gChapters, gTitles, gArticles, gDates, gCaptions, gCurCutting
global gCurChap, gCurArticle, gName, mytext, gArticlePage, gFullCuttings
global gFormattedText, gTextPages, gMaxLines, gCurIndex, gWorld, gSeenMaps
global gPaperLoch, gMakerName, gHeadlocH, gNameLoch, gNameLocv
global gMakerNum, gQTpath, gSoundPath, gNuggetTime, gNuggetDelay, gNameCastnum
set picsprite = 9 -- the sprite the pict appears on
set cuttingsprite = 6
set titlesprite = 8
set papersprite = 11
set datesprite = 12
set captionsprite = 7
set forwardbutton = 20
set backbutton = 19
set headsprite = 10
set namesprite = 4
set headloch = gHeadloch -- the loch of the headshot sprite
set the loch of sprite headsprite = headloch
puppetsprite forwardbutton,0
puppetsprite backbutton,0
puppetsprite papersprite,0
set the text of field "caption-qt" = " "
unpuppet "4,10"
-- get the sound
set fname = gSoundpath & "S" & gMakerNum & ".AIF"
puppetsprite 16,1
set the loch of sprite 16 = 1000
sound playFile 1, fname
go to frame "QT"
if gWorld = "Senses" or gWorld = "Design" then
set the loch of sprite namesprite = gNameLoch
set the locv of sprite namesprite = gNameLocv
end if
if gWorld = "Senses" or gWorld = "Design" then
puppetsprite 25,1
puppetsprite 26,1
puppetsprite 27,1
puppetsprite 28,1
end if
puppetsprite captionsprite,1
set captionloch = the loch of sprite captionsprite
set the castnum of sprite captionsprite = the number of cast "caption-qt"
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = 1000
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 1000
set tmpcap = GetCaption()
set the text of field "caption-qt" = tmpcap
if gWorld <> "Senses" then
set the textheight of field "caption-qt" = 18 -- leading
set the textheight of field "caption-qt" = 25
end if
-- adjust the height of the Sound caption, to center it
if gWorld = "mind" then
set centerpoint = 200
set centerpoint = 280
end if
set caph = the height of cast "caption-qt"
if gWorld <> "Senses" then -- in design the caption does not need vertical centering
set the locv of sprite captionsprite = centerpoint - (caph/2)
end if
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = captionloch
on GoAnimArticle
global gChapters, gTitles, gArticles, gDates, gCaptions, gCurCutting
global gCurChap, gCurArticle, gName, mytext, gArticlePage, gFullCuttings
global gFormattedText, gTextPages, gMaxLines, gCurIndex, gWorld, gSeenMaps
global gPaperLoch, gMakerName, gHeadlocH, gNameLoch, gNameLocv, gQTAnimpath
global gMakerNum, gQTpath, gSoundPath, gNuggetTime, gNuggetDelay, gNameCastnum
set picsprite = 9 -- the sprite the pict appears on
set cuttingsprite = 6
set titlesprite = 8
set papersprite = 11
set datesprite = 12
set captionsprite = 7
set forwardbutton = 20
set backbutton = 19
set headsprite = 10
set namesprite = 4
set headloch = gHeadloch -- the loch of the headshot sprite
if not marker(gMakernum & ".anim") then exit
set the loch of sprite headsprite = headloch
puppetsprite forwardbutton,0
puppetsprite backbutton,0
puppetsprite papersprite,0
set the text of field "caption-qt" = " "
unpuppet "4,10"
-- get the QTmovie
-- set cnum = the number of cast "QTcast"
-- set fname = gQTAnimpath & "A" & gMakerNum & "A" & gCurChap & gCurArticle & ".MOV"
-- put fname
-- set the filename of cast "QTcast" = fname
-- set the name of cast cnum = "QTcast"
go to frame gMakernum & ".anim"
if gWorld = "Senses" or gWorld = "Design" then
set the loch of sprite namesprite = gNameLoch
set the locv of sprite namesprite = gNameLocv
end if
if gWorld = "Senses" or gWorld = "Design" then
puppetsprite 25,1
puppetsprite 26,1
puppetsprite 27,1
puppetsprite 28,1
end if
puppetsprite captionsprite,1
set captionloch = the loch of sprite captionsprite
set the castnum of sprite captionsprite = the number of cast "caption-qt"
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = 1000
set the loch of sprite picsprite = 1000
set tmpcap = GetCaption()
set the text of field "caption-qt" = tmpcap
if gWorld <> "Senses" then
set the textheight of field "caption-qt" = 18 -- leading
set the textheight of field "caption-qt" = 25
end if
-- bring up the QT movie
-- adjust the height of the QT caption, to center it
if gWorld = "Discover" then
set centerpoint = 250
set centerpoint = 280
end if
set caph = the height of cast "caption-qt"
-- in design the caption does not need vertical centering
if gWorld <> "Senses" and gWorld <> "Body" then
set the locv of sprite captionsprite = centerpoint - (caph/2)
else if gWorld = "Body" then
set the locv of sprite captionsprite = 112
end if
set the loch of sprite captionsprite = captionloch
-- start the QT
set the movierate of sprite 3 = 1
-- the play/stop button sprite
puppetsprite 11,1